TASK 1 - Scrabble - Pembelajaran Bhs. Inggris berbantuan Komputer

Finding Unfamiliar Vocabulary from Game "SCRABBLE"

Ivy : an evergreen plant (= one that never loses its leaves) that often grows up trees or buildings:

  • ·        Ivy covered the broken walls.

Tibial : relating to the tibia (= the large bone at the front of the lower leg):

  • ·        The scents originate in the tibial gland and are secreted from the gaster of the ants.

Rousing : making people feel excited and proud or ready to take action:

  • ·        We sang a last rousing chorus of the national anthem.

Velamen :  an outer layer of empty cells in the aerial roots of epiphytic orchids and aroids.

  • ·        Velamen is a unique tissue found in epiphytic plants that acts as a protective covering for their roots."

Ired : intense and usually openly displayed anger (Past)

  • ·        nothing ired him more than having to wait for his dinner

Gent : a gentleman (= polite man who behaves well towards other people, especially women)

  • ·        He's just gone to the gents.

Weepy : feeling likely to cry:

  • ·        I felt tired and weepy.

Lazes : to relax and enjoy yourself, doing very little:

  • ·        He lazes around the beach

Jiao : to shout to call to order to ask to be called by (indicates agent in the passive mood)

  • ·        JIAO!

Auks : a short-winged diving seabird found in northern oceans, typically with a black head and black and white underparts. (Plural)

  • ·        The great auk is but a memory;

Wooed : to try to persuade someone to support you or to use your business: (Past)

  • ·        He wooed her for months with flowers and expensive presents.


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